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Showing posts from November, 2018

Memes in the 21st Century Classroom

Memes are a great way to engage 21st-century students in the modern classroom. Teachers can integrate memes and GIFs into their lessons to introduce rules and guidelines or reinforce vocabulary attainment. Teachers can also allow their students to create memes for assignments and projects as well. Teachers can integrate technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and circuitry to assist students in creating memes of GIFs. While memes are fun and important in today's classroom setting, it's important to use and teach digital citizenship when using resources from the internet. According to ISTE's Edtech for the K-12 Classroom, "It's important to preview any meme program before assigning it to the students to avoid fees or inappropriate content" (117). Teachers and students can have fun creating memes and GIFs and still practice safe and productive digital citizenship. 1) Waiting, Waiting, and Waiting More... | I have chosen to create this meme to...