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Mobile Technology and Digital Equity

·      Mobile Application: Notability
o   Notability is a mobile application available for iOS or Android devices. Notability lets you annotate PDF documents and organize hand-written or typed notes into folders for easy access. You can also draw pictures and attach them to documents and notes that you’ve made. The only downside to this app is that is does cost $9.99 on the app store, but it has a rating if 4 out of 5 stars. Students and teachers can use the app for note taking and documentation.

·      Educational Website: Quizlet
o   Quizlet is one of the most widely known education websites among students and teachers. Users can create virtual flashcards and study notes. Students can choose to study definitions or words first and they can interchange words and definitions. Students can quiz themselves to see how they are progressing. If students guess one word wrong, this will be added to a list to further study. If students guess one word correctly, they are less likely to see that word in the selection since they have mastered it. Quizlet is great for students who need to memorize large units of information. Quizlet is free to use for students and teachers.

·      Video: Cliff Notes Summaries
o   Cliff Notes summaries are great for students who need extra help when studying complex texts. In addition to reading, students can find a video on just about any major work. The videos highlight characters, important events, themes, and motifs. The language is simple and the animations are very entertaining. I’ve used these videos while teaching Shakespeare and students thoroughly enjoy them. I would recommend these videos to any English teacher.

·      Specific Resources: Instructional Pathways
o   All of the following technology resources may be used when delivering a lesson. Some may be more useful than others, depending on the content of the lesson. If I’m teaching a grammar lesson, I will definitely allow my students to use Notability and Quizlet for concept attainment and memorization. When teaching a certain literary text, I will definitely use Cliff Notes Summaries to assist students who may be struggling to understand the text. Quizlet is a useful tool for students to study vocabulary words and definitions.

·      Digital Equity

o   Digital equity is defined as supplying students with the necessary technological tools they need to succeed in the 21st century classroom. Many students who are physically handicapped require assistive technology to help them walk, hear, or see better. Students with learning and developmental disabilities require technology to help them perform cognitive reasoning tasks. ESL students can benefit from translation software to help them learn a language or learn beyond a language barrier. Students are all different, therefore they require different resources to aid in their education.


  1. Hi Jacob,
    I like that you included Quizlet in this post. My CT uses it for vocabulary. It definitely seems like a great resource. However, very students actually put forth the effort to use it. They all have access to it, but they choose to ignore it. I would love to explore different methods for motivating students to be more interested in this study software. I also like the Cliff Notes videos. You showed me the video on Macbeth, and I though it was amazing! I will definitely be including something like this in my future classroom when teaching difficult texts. Anything that makes literature come to life, seem easier, and feel more fun and exciting is a great resource. The visual and audio of the videos is also great use of equity, because it introduces new ways that students who have trouble reading or ELLs can experience a text.

  2. Hello Jacob,
    As Cassie stated earlier, I admire how you included Quizlet. This app can be innovative and fun for the students. As we know, most of the students learning is done through technology and other digital resources. In addition, most students spend most of their times on different digital devices. As a potential educator, it would be wise find ways to use these resources to catch the students' attention and improve their knowledge of different modern technology.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I also love Quizlet as it has helped me in some of my classes, and it has the potential to help my students. I will have to check out the Cliff Notes videos! I know that Cliff Notes provides a summary of texts, but I have never actually used it. I am probably afraid that students would use it as their primary source, and not as a supplemental source. The video versions are probably better at conveying the basic plot instead of giving more detailed information, right? I will check it out now, thanks!

  5. I love, love, love the notability app! I have it on my ipad, and it has made note taking so much easier. I've been able to download powerpoints and handouts, and I can write my notes directly on it. I feel as more schools go towards using ipads, it's an app that doesn't hurt for the students to have because they can use it for a life time.


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